

Project Definition

Design and Construct a golf-ball picker robot which goes through a pre-defined path. Develop the necessary program code in lejos programming code for Lego NXT robot kit.

Steps of the project

We will explain the how is making Golf-Ball Picker Robot with clearly information. We have given the robot’s facilities in addition part that in CD’s files. The main aim of the robot finds the line, walk the line and pick the golf-ball on line. We designed our robot in appropriate the main purpose. (You can see all information about designed robot in addition section “lejos_e-book.pdf”)

How does it work?

How does works Golf-Ball Picker Robot? Golf-Ball picker robot has two sensors that are light sensor and touch sensor. A light sensor takes information about color of floor and uses this information for walking and stays on line. But sometime the light sensor didn’t work exactly. So, it’s too hard keep the robot on the line with the information come from the light sensor. In addition, we used touch sensor for sensing of golf-ball for robot. When the touch sensor was pressed, it means robot arms is closed and pick the golf-ball from line to another place.

Impact of the project in real life

This project gives our pick the golf-ball in golf course without human touching in real life. This project have been using around world at different area. For example look at addition section “Example in real life.docx”.

Why would someone want a Golf ball picking robot?

Ball Picker is certainly better for your back; it performs quite well under pressure and does quite a good harvest a day. Ball Picker operates 24/7 and never stops to complain. This silent and green robot can work while customers are around without being too intrusive.

An optional golf ball elevator makes it easy for the ball picker to release the collected balls which are then elevated to the ball cleaning facility.

If you are a serious golf player, you know how exciting it is to shoot for the ball picker, a ritual most golf players have adopted. Well, Ball Picker rides at a peak speed of 3.6 km an hour, which is a little more than 2 miles an hour. It’s a good target for players of a 10 to 20 handicap. Now don’t expect it to go crazy when you score, it’s a robot! Now the good news Good for beginners, the Ball Picker slows to 0.6 mile an hour when coming close to obstacles to avoid high speed impact, which makes it an easier target. It also explains why you have probably never heard of an accident involving a robot ball picker to date!

The gain of the project to us

This is the concept of robots in our project, we are taken a lot of knowledge on the objectives and requirements will continue to receive. Robot programming beyond algorithms and programming languages on the use of logic becomes a lot of benefits. We wrote a lot of codes about lejos robot that learns in the course of ELE407. May be it seems very easy, but we information gain the about algorithm.

Projenin tamamını(ekstralar var) ve videoları buradan indirbilirsiniz.


import lejos.nxt.*; 

public class LightS {

public static void main (String[ ] args)

throws Exception


TouchSensor  tsensor = new TouchSensor(SensorPort.S1);

LightSensor lsensor = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S4);

int i = 0;


while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed())




int value = lsensor.readValue();

LCD.drawInt(value, 4, 0, 0);



LCD.drawString(“Beyaz”, 0, 7);

if (value <42)

{                                                             Motor.C.setSpeed(50);


LCD.drawString(“Siyah”, 0, 7);


if(tsensor.isPressed()) {

LCD.drawString(“Touch Sensor is  pressed”,1,0);













if(i==3) break;




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